Cooking Your Pancakes

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For the fluffiest gluten-free, vegan pancakes there are a few tricks.

Pancakes were one of the first things I figured out when I started my gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free diet. They were always a staple weekend breakfast smothered in Maple Syrup and topped with fruits. Using Rosy’s pancake mix, you and your guests can enjoy fluffy pancakes that soak up the syrup!


  • Make sure you use a pan that has even heat, a griddle is even better. Let the pan heat up completely while you are mixing your batter.

  • Use non-stick cooking spray for each new round of pancakes - even on non-stick surfaces!

  • Use a 1/4 cup measure to scoop your batter onto the pan/griddle. Any larger than this and the pancakes won’t cook through as well. Smaller is okay!

  • The batter will be think and won’t pour.

  • Let your batter sit for 2 minutes before adding to the pan. The baking powder and xanthan gum need time to work.

  • You should not mix your better ahead of time; cook all of the batter you mixed as it will not store well.

  • You can refrigerate (up to 4 days) or freeze (up to one month) your leftover pancakes for a weekday morning treat! Use the toaster to heat them up (use the frozen setting for best results).

  • The batter can also be used in a waffle maker. You may need to cook it longer than usual to get a crispy outer crust.

  • You can use the entire package of mix at once to make 24 pancakes, just double the additions.

  • If you are preparing gluten-free foods in a non gluten-free kitchen, make sure your bowls, measuring cups, mixing utensils and cooking surfaces are well washed in warm soapy water and thoroughly rinsed in clean water to prevent cross contamination.

Ingredients (for 12 pancakes):

  • 1 1/2 cups Rosy’s Pancake mix (a package has enough for 2 batches)

  • 2 tbsp of unsweetened apple sauce

  • 2 tbsp oil (canola, sunflower or other light-tasting oil)

  • 1 1/2 cups dairy-free milk (oat, soy, hemp work best but you can use almond as well)

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1. Heat your skillet or griddle to medium-low heat.

2. Add Rosy’s Pancake Mix to a medium bowl.

3. In a 2-cup measure, add apple sauce and oil. Add milk to the measuring cup and stir together. Top up with milk to 1 3/4 cups if the volume is a bit less that this.

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4. Pour the wet ingredients into the mix and whisk until combined. Once you are done whisking, do not mix again. Let the mix sit for 2 minutes before cooking.

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5. Grease the cooking surface with a non-stick gluten-free cooking spray. Scoop the batter onto the skillet/griddle using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake.

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6. Cook on the first side for 3-6 minutes, until bubbles are forming al the way through the batter and the bottom is golden. Flip and cook for an additional 3-6 minutes.

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7. Remove pancakes from pan to a wire cooking rack and let sit 2 minutes before serving (this allows the interior to finish cooking).

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8. Repeat steps 5-7 for additional batter.

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Variations & Add-Ins

  • You can make buttermilk pancakes by adding 1 tbsp lemon juice to the milk and letting sit for 5-10 minutes before starting the recipe.

  • Add a few blueberries to each pancake after they have started cooking & pushing them into the pancake using a spoon

  • Top your pancakes with fresh raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, peaches or your favourite fruit for some additional flavour & nutrients.

  • Make mini-pancakes for the kiddos to dip into maple syrup to better control their sugar consumption.

  • You can use mini-pancakes to make breakfast skewers. How about strawberry and banana or blueberries and peaches?

  • Feel free to use dairy milk if you don’t need your pancakes to be dairy-free.

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Our Ingredients